
scanx·i·e·ty (n.)                                                                                        the feeling of anxiousness before an MRI. The all-nighters you pull because you can’t sleep from stressing over what the results could be. The anticipation while spending, what feels like all day, in the waiting room.

Im writing this because scanxiety is hitting me pretty hard tonight- I have scans tomorrow May 2,2016. I haven’t updated my blog in a while, so I thought I might as well do that now since I can’t fall asleep. The last time I updated on here about myself, I finished radiation and did not proceed to do chemo because of the pathology reports showing a high grade glioma/anaplastic ependymoma grade 3. Since then I have slowly been trying to get my life back on track. I started going back to school (half-days for right now). And I am getting less time in the hospital and more time living my life to the fullest and trying to cross things off of my bucket list. I’m still getting sick from the side effects of my radiation. Lately I’ve been having headaches, nausea, and my short term memory is not the best, I feel like these past few weeks, all of these have been worse than they usually are- which is why I think I’m more anxious about my MRI results tomorrow. With my diagnosis, I have to get MRI’s every 2 months at St.Jude, and a stable scan is a miracle. I don’t even want to think/talk about what would happen next if the scan is not what we want. So I just pray because I know God’s got me. Please pray for great results and another 2 months to live and to breathe.

Thank you so much to everyone who supports me!!!


3 thoughts on “scanxiety

  1. Jilly says:

    I just stumbled upon your blog from viewing posts of mutual friends. I’m sorry you have to go through this battle, but you sound like a warrior that will come out a winner.
    I’m a 7 year cancer survivor, I went through dark days, feeling scared and pretty hopeless. Keep pushing the dark thoughts away and keep moving forward to your healing, one step at a time. I think you got this….stay strong…stay positive. Praying for you!


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